po polsku

Obywatelskie Forum Sztuki Współczesne, "GAZETA sTRAjkowa" (2012)

in English

Sotirios Bahtsetzis, "Eikonomia: Notes on Economy and the Labor of Art (2012)"

Bureau of Open Culture, "A Manual for the Immaterial Worker" (2011)

Keti Chukhrov,"Towards the Space of the General: On Labor beyond Materiality and Immateriality" (2010)

Kirsten Forkert, "The Art Workers Coalition (revisited): a call to participate"

Andrea Fraser, "How to Provide an Artistic Service: An Introduction" (1994)

Andrea Fraser,“There’s No Place Like Home,”(2012 Whitney Biennial)

Kenneth E. Hendrickson, Jr., "The WPA Federal Art Projects in Minnesota, 1935-1943 (1993)

Isabell Lorey, "Becoming Common: Precarization as Political Constituting" (2010)

Isabell Lorey, "Governmentality and Self-Precarization. On the normalization of cultural producers" (2006)

Angela Mitropoulos, "Precari-Us?" (2005)

William Powhida, "Why Are (Most) Artists (So Fucking) Poor?"

Gregory Sholette, "State of the Union: Gregory Sholette on Artistic Labor"(2008)

Hito Steyerl, "The Institution of Critique" (2006)

Hito Steyerl,"Politics of Art: Contemporary Art and the Transition to Post-Democracy" (2010)

Marina Vishmidt,"Working Artists in the Greater Economy" (2011)

in English, Deutsch & po polsku

Haben und Brauchen Manifest (2012)


po polsku

Górna, Sienkiewicz: Nie walczymy o żadne kokosy

in English

Chris Mansour. "The occupation of art’s labor: An interview with Julia Bryan-Wilson". Platypus Review 45 (2012)

"Selection from Skype chat with W.A.G.E," Internal Necessity. Sternberg Press (2010).


Are You Working Too Much? Post-Fordism, Precarity, and the Labor of Art. Edited by Julieta Aranda, Brian Kuan Wood, and Anton Vidokle. e-flux, 2011.

Julia Bryan-Wilson. Art Workers: Radical Practice in the Vietnam War Era. University of California Press, 2009.

Gregory Sholette. Dark Matter: Art and Politics in the Age of Enterprise Culture. Pluto Press, 2010.

Guy Standing. The Precariat: The New Dangerous Class. Bloomsbury, 2011.


Artists in the Workforce 1990-2005

W.A.G.E. Survey 2005-2010

National Performance Network Economic Survey, 2010

Making a Living as an Artist in GB (2006)



Culture, not Profit: Readings for Artworkers. The Journal of Free/Slow University of Warsaw, Vol. 1, 2009

Artist Bloc No. 1, Is Art Labor?, 2011


Jakob Jakobson, information material for Unionising workshop of Young Art Workers (2004)

Precarious Workers Brigade, "Training For Exploitation? Towards an alternative curriculum" (2012)


Blog Emily Speed - "Getting Paid"


Hollise Frampton to MoMA curator Donald Ritchie 7/1/1973

Carolee Schneemann to Cee Brown, 3/5/1978


"The Labour of the Multitude? The Political Economy of Social Creativity." International conference of the Free/Slow University of Warsaw. 20-22/10/2011, Warsaw

1st Artleaks Working Assembly 2012. 3/6/2012, Berlin


Art as Work. Discussion with Haben und Brauchen, Tranzitdisplay, Prague 15/5/2012
video from the discussion - artyčok

"Cultural producers push for change in Berlin." Discussion of Enemies of Good Art with Haben und Brauchen, 15/2/ 2012

Left Forum panel, “The New Dangerous Class? Perspectives on Organizing Precarious Labor.” 21/3/2012

W.A.G.E., "Introduction to W.A.G.E." Creative Time's, Democracy in America (2008?)

"Art and the State: Back to New Deal Funding?" Frieze Art Fair (2009)

Harlan Ellison - Pay the Writer

Dokumenty/ Documentaries:

Pološero: Těžký život básníků (2011)

Básník, co sbírá literární ceny a nemá na maso. Jak se dá živit plži, chytáním kaprů a přesto zůstat optimistou, o kterém se děti učí v učebnicích.
Režie: M. Langer


Raša Todosijević, "Edinburgh Statement" (1975)

